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Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD

Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD

Pastikan Protokol Kesehatan di Era Pandemi Covid-19, Dinkes Kota Banjarmasin Kunjungi McD

DBnews Banjarmasin (10/9) Industri jasa boga merupakan salah satu yang terkena imbas di era pandemi covid-19 ini, bukan hanya UMKM bahkan r...

DBnews Banjarmasin (10/9) Industri jasa boga merupakan salah satu yang terkena imbas di era pandemi covid-19 ini, bukan hanya UMKM bahkan restaurant cepat saji yang hingga pasca PSBB di kota Banjarmasin masih melakukan take away system terhadap pelanggannya. Sektor akomodasi pangan dan minuman ini mengalami penurunan drastis tentu saja sebab mereka belum melakukan dine in hingga mendapatkan sinyal aman dan saran dari tim ahli kesehatan masyarakat Kuswanta, SKM dan Hj. Ummi K, SKM baik sebagai konselor serta kunjungan dan memastikan bahwa mereka telah menerapkan DHS Covid 19 dan penerapan CTPS yang berada di luar daripada gedung tersebut.

"Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banjarmasin berharap agar seluruh pelaku usaha tetap bersemangat untuk kembali membangkitkan sektor ekonomi berusaha dengan aman memastikan agar penggunaan alat makan bagi yang tidak makan ditempat untuk memastikan kebersihan alat makan yang disediakan terhadap pengunjung dan memastikan jarak duduk pengunjung yang makan tidak berdekatan dan sarana cuci tangan atau wastafel di depan lokasi restaurant." tambah Kadinkes Kota Banjarmasin Dr. Machli Riyadi, S.H., M.H.

Dengan kunjungan ini kiranya penggiat restauran di kota Banjarmasin serta pengunjung harus tertib terhadap protokol kesehatan demi mencegah risiko penularan virus penyebab covid-19. Adanya pembatasan jumlah pengunjung serta penerapan physical distancing di dalam restauran pun sangat di perhatikan, dengan adanya edukasi dari Tim Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banjarmasin serta kerjasama dengan pihak terkait kiranya hal ini dapat mempercepat dalam penuntasan covid-19 di kota Banjarmasin.

DBnews Banjarmasin (10/9) Food service industry is one that has been affected in pandemic era of covid-19 pandemic, not only UMKM, even fast food restaurants, which until after PSBB in Banjarmasin still do a take away system for their customers. The food and beverage accommodation sector has experienced a drastic decline of their omzet, of course, because they have not done the dine-in until they get a safe signal and advice from a team of community health experts Kuswanta, SKM and Hj. Ummi K, SKM are both as a counselor as well as a visit and ensures that they have done the implementation of DHS Covid 19 and CTPS that should be located outside of the building.

"Regional Health Office Banjarmasin hopes that all business actors will remain enthusiastic about reviving the economic sector trying to safely ensure that the use of cutlery for those who do not dine in, make sure to ensure the cleanliness of the cutlery provided to customers and ensure that the seating distance for visitors who eat is not close together and washing facilities such as sink in front of the restaurant location, "Head of Regional Health Office Banjarmasin Dr. Machli Riyadi, S.H., M.H. adds.

This visit work, seems that restaurant activists in Banjarmasin as well as visitors must be orderly with health protocols in order to prevent the risk of transmission of the virus that causes covid - 19. There is a limitation on the number of visitors and the application of physical distancing in the restaurant is also very concerned, with the education from Regional Health Office Banjarmasin Service Team, as well as cooperation with related parties, hopefully this can accelerate the completion of covid-19 in Banjarmasin.

DBnews2020/ Enni Rizqa