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Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD

Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD

Laksanakan Protokol Kesehatan dengan Baik, Walikota Ibnu Sina Beri Penghargaan Masjid Hassanuddin Majedi Banjarmasin

DBnews/Banjarmasin (10/9) Masjid adalah rumah ibadah umat Islam, tentunya kebersihannya sangatlah perlu diperhatikan dengan seksama, di era ...

DBnews/Banjarmasin (10/9) Masjid adalah rumah ibadah umat Islam, tentunya kebersihannya sangatlah perlu diperhatikan dengan seksama, di era pandemi covid 19 terutama pasca PSBB kota Banjarmasin beberapa masjid telah beroperasi dan menggelar kegiatan keagamaan seperti sholat berjamaah baik fardhu ataupun Jumat, tentu saja hal ini harus mengikuti giat Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banjarmasin berkenaan pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan DHS covid 19 dan CTPS berupa wastafel yang tersedia diluar masjid, dan jamaah wajib membawa alat ibadah masing-masing serta berwudhu sebelum memasuki area masjid, penertiban terhadap physical distancing terdahap jamaah pun sangat wajib dilaksanakan dengan baik, hal ini tentunya mengundang apresiasi besar oleh Walikota Ibnu Sina di dampingi Kadinkes Kota Banjarmasin Dr. Machli Riyadi, S.H., M.H. yang turun langsung memberikan arahan dan mengingatkan jamaah tetap ataupun jamaah masjid yang lewat dan berkunjung ke salah satu masjid yang mendapatkan penghargaan ini, yaitu Masji Hassanuddin Majedi Banjarmasin yang beralamatkan di Jl Brigjend. H. Hasan Basri Banjarmasin Utara, kota Banjarmasin ini.

Dengan adanya percontohan penerapan kedisiplinan terhadap protokol kesehatan di salah satu masjid besar kota Banjarmasin ini kiranya masjid-masjid lain pun dapat mengikuti dan turut serta mengedukasi dan menginformasi para jamaah untuk terus berwaspada dan beradaptasi dengan kebiasaan baru hingga pandemi covid 19 berakhir di kota Banjarmasin tercinta.

DBnews/Banjarmasin (10/9) Mosques are houses of worship for Muslims, definetely, their cleanliness really needs to be considered carefully, in the era of covid - 19 pandemic, especially after the PSBB in Banjarmasin, several mosques are operated and held religious activities such as Muslims congregation prayers either fardhu or Friday, of course this activity have to follow the active health service that has been declared by Regional Health Office Banjarmasin. Banjarmasin city regarding the implementation of DHS covid-19 and CTPS health protocol such as sink should be provided in the front that is available outside the mosque, and pilgrims are required to bring their respective worship tools themselves and perform ablution before entering the mosque area, controlling the physical distancing at the congregation is highly mandatory, this is inviting great appreciation by the Mayor Ibnu Sina accompanied by Head of  Regional Health Office Banjarmasin Dr. Machli Riyadi, S.H., M.H. who came down immediately gave directions and reminded the regular congregation or congregation of the mosque who passed and visited one of the mosques that received this award. 
Namely Hassanuddin Majedi Mosque Banjarmasin, which is addressed at Jl Brigjend. H. Hasan Basri North Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin city.

By the pilot application of discipline to health protocols in one of the big mosques in Banjarmasin city, it is hoped that other mosques able to follow immediately and participate in educating and informing worshipers to continue to be vigilant and adapt to new habits until the Covid 19 pandemic ends in the beloved city of Banjarmasin.

DBnews2020/ Enni Rizqa