penggunaan teknologi saat ini ada di berbagai bidang semua pelaporan dan pendataan kini sudah menggunakan sistem sehingga memudahkan par...
penggunaan teknologi saat ini ada di berbagai bidang semua pelaporan dan pendataan kini sudah menggunakan sistem sehingga memudahkan para petugas untuk pendataan.
the use of technology currently exists in various fields all reporting and data collection is now using a system making it easier for officers to collect data.
menunjang sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan penyakit TB yang akurat ,
pemerintah menyediakan fasilitas pelaporan melalui aplikasi yang akan
terus menerus dikembangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan zaman.
order to support an accurate TB disease recording and reporting system,
the government provides reporting facilities through applications that
will be continuously developed according to the needs of the times.
Dinas Kesehatan Banjarmasin khususnya seksi P2PM mengadakan pertemuan
guna sosialisasi dan pelatihan sistem informasi TB terbaru. Dengan
pelatihan ini, peserta yang dihadiri perwakilan masing-masing Puskesmas
diharapkan dapat menerapkan sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan TB melalui
sistem yang disediakan.
Today, the Banjarmasin Health Office, in particular the P2PM section, is holding a meeting to disseminate and train the latest TB information system. With this training, participants who were attended by representatives of each Community Health Center were expected to be able to implement the TB recording and reporting system through the system provided.
Today, the Banjarmasin Health Office, in particular the P2PM section, is holding a meeting to disseminate and train the latest TB information system. With this training, participants who were attended by representatives of each Community Health Center were expected to be able to implement the TB recording and reporting system through the system provided.
Kegiatan ini dilakukan di Aula Laboratorium Kesehatan pada hari Kamis (27/02/20) yang dihadiri oleh pemegang program TB di 26 Puskesmas se-kota banjarmasin.
This activity was carried out in the Health Laboratory Hall on Thursday (02/27/20) which was attended by TB program holders in 26 Puskesmas in the city of banjarmasin.