Banjarmasin - (30/10) Workshop that has just opened by Dr. Machli Riyadi S.H., M.H., Hj. Umi Kalsum, S.KM, and Kuswanta, S.KM in the Hall ...
Banjarmasin - (30/10) Workshop that has just opened by Dr. Machli Riyadi S.H., M.H., Hj. Umi Kalsum, S.KM, and Kuswanta, S.KM in the Hall of Health Office Banjarmasin are going to be done in 11 hours, start in the 9 am till drop. This workshop aim to the participants such as Chef of Stars Hotel, Fastfood Cooker, and Food Stylist in some restaurants.
Muhammad Akbar Utomo Setyawan as representative of Cullinary Organization in Banjarmasin explained to Dr. Machli Riyadi S.H., M.H about the history of organization has been built since 2018 (DBnewsphoto/ Enni Rizqa) |
Commitee Chef Participants in Banjarmasin attends the workshop (DBnewsphoto/Syafar) |
Dr. Machli Riyadi S.H., M. H. hospitalized the Chef in the Hall of Regional Office Banjarmasin (DBnewsphoto/Syafar)
"Law Number 36 about Health is obligate Health Office to obligate to monitor restaurants. hotels, and some catering to get sertificate based on health not only delicious. This is also important for the vision and mission of Banjarmasin city that aim to be tourism city." Dr. Machli Riyadi adds.
In this workshop Health Office Regional of Banjarmasin invites arround 50 participants to be certified under government standard based on Kepmenkes RI Number 1098/Menkes/SK/VII/2003 about Requirement of Hygiene Sanitation of Restaurant , Kepmenkes RI Number 1096/Menkes/Per/VII/2011 about requirements of Hygiene Sanitation of Cullinary Service, has been held in the Health Office of Regional Banjarmasin Year 2019.
Salam Sehat.
Salam The Winners.
DBnews/ Enni Rizqa