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Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD

Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD

Pertemuan penguatan pokjanal posyandu

  DBNews (Banjarmasin) -  Pokjanal Posyandu (Kelompok Kerja Operasional Pembinaan Pos Pembinaan dan Pelayanan Terpadu) adalah kelompok kerja...


DBNews (Banjarmasin) Pokjanal Posyandu (Kelompok Kerja Operasional Pembinaan Pos Pembinaan dan Pelayanan Terpadu) adalah kelompok kerja yang tugas dan fungsinya mempunyai keterkaitan dalam pembinaan penyelenggaraan/pengelolaan Posyandu yang berkedudukan di Pusat, Provinsi, Kabupaten/Kota dan Kecamatan.

Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banjarmasin menyelenggarakan Pertemuan penguatan pokjanal posyandu dengan peserta yang dihadiri oleh pokjanal perwakilan pos kecamatan, kelurahan dan juga kader2 posyandu se Kota Banjarmasin.

Kegiatan ini di buka langsung oleh Kadinkes Banjarmasin,
Pada kegiatan ini juga di lakukan penyerahan piala kepada pemenang Lomba Posyandu Berintegrasi dan Lomba Kader Berprestasi Tingkat Kota Banjarmasin Tahun 2022.

Dengan kegiatan ini diharapka dapat meningkatkan capaian pokjanal dan posyandu aktif khususnya di Kota Banjarmasin.
Pokjanal Posyandu (Operational Working Group for Integrated Development and Service Posts) is a working group whose duties and functions are related to the development of the implementation / management of Posyandu located in the Center, Province, Regency / City and District.

The Banjarmasin City Health Office held a meeting to strengthen the posyandu pokjanal with participants which was attended by pokjanal representatives of sub-district posts, villages and also cadres2 posyandu throughout Banjarmasin City.

This activity was opened directly by the Banjarmasin Chamber of Health,
In this activity, trophies were also handed over to the winners of the Integrated Posyandu Competition and the Banjarmasin City Level Outstanding Cadre Competition in 2022.

With this activity, it is hoped that it can increase the achievement of active pokjanal and posyandu, especially in Banjarmasin City.