DBNews (Banjarmasin) - VCT (Voluntary Counselling and Testing) merupakan layanan pembinaan dan konseling guna mendeteksi secara dini HIV/A...
DBNews (Banjarmasin) - VCT (Voluntary Counselling and Testing) merupakan layanan pembinaan dan konseling guna mendeteksi secara dini HIV/AIDS sehingga dapat segera dilakukan penanganan sedangkan CST (Care Support dan Treatment) ialah perawatan yang melibatkan suatu jejaring sumberdaya dan pelayanan serta dukungan untuk ODHA (Orang Dengan HIV Aids), dan keluarganya
Tes VCT dinilai sebagai upaya awal yang dapat dilakukan dalam mendeteksi Infeksi HIV/AIDS, mengingat HIV tidak memiliki gejala awal yang jelas dan apabila tanpa pengetahuan yang cukup, penyebaran HIV akan semakin sulit dihindari.
Bertempat di Pyramid Hotel Banjarmasin, Dinas Kesehatan menyelenggarakan kegiatan Workshop Konselor VCT dan CST Program HIV-AIDS & PIMS. Kegiatan ini di buka secara langsung oleh Kadinkes , Dr. Machli Riyadi S.H, M.H dan dihadiri sebanyak 54 peserta dari perwakilan seluruh Puskesmas serta perwakilan beberapa RS di Banjarmasin, diantaranya RSUD dr. H. M. Ansari Saleh, RSUD Ulin dan RSUD Sultan Suriansyah.
VCT (Voluntary Counselling and Testing) is a coaching and counseling service to detect EARLY HIV / AIDS so that it can be treated immediately while CST (Care Support and Treatment) is a treatment that involves a network of resources and services and support for PEOPLE with HIV (People With HIV Aids), and their families.
VCT tests are considered as an initial effort that can be done in detecting HIV / AIDS infection, considering that HIV does not have clear initial symptoms and if without sufficient knowledge, the spread of HIV will be increasingly difficult to avoid.
Located at Pyramid Hotel Banjarmasin, the Health Office organized vct counselor workshops and CST HIV-AIDS &PIMS programs. This activity was opened directly by Kadinkes, Dr. Machli Riyadi S.H, M.H and attended by 54 participants from representatives of all health centers and representatives of several hospitals in Banjarmasin, including dr. H.M. Ansari Saleh Hospital, Ulin Hospital and Sultan Suriansyah Hospital.
VCT tests are considered as an initial effort that can be done in detecting HIV / AIDS infection, considering that HIV does not have clear initial symptoms and if without sufficient knowledge, the spread of HIV will be increasingly difficult to avoid.
Located at Pyramid Hotel Banjarmasin, the Health Office organized vct counselor workshops and CST HIV-AIDS &PIMS programs. This activity was opened directly by Kadinkes, Dr. Machli Riyadi S.H, M.H and attended by 54 participants from representatives of all health centers and representatives of several hospitals in Banjarmasin, including dr. H.M. Ansari Saleh Hospital, Ulin Hospital and Sultan Suriansyah Hospital.