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Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD

Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD

Meeting Group Contact Tracer Guna Efektivitas Pelacakan Covid 19 di kota Banjarmasin

DBnews/ Banjarmasin (18/12)  Silaturrahim  yang diadakan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banjarmasin ini bersama tenaga surveillance Rumah Sakit, Puske...

DBnews/ Banjarmasin (18/12)  Silaturrahim  yang diadakan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banjarmasin ini bersama tenaga surveillance Rumah Sakit, Puskesmas, Data Manager, dan Tenaga Tracer Puskesmas sekota Banjarmasin ini dibuka langsung oleh Kabid. P2P dr. H. Bandiyah Ma'rifah di dampingi Kasie. Surveillance dan Imunisasi M. Rasyidin. SKM. MM berkenaan dengan koordinasi dan evaluasi penyelenggaraan surveillance terhadap penanganan covid 19 serta sinkronisasi validasi data covid 19 Puskesmas, Rumah Sakit, dan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banjarmasin serta Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan yang diadakan di Hotel Roditha Banjarmasin ini dihadiri oleh 72 orang dan 34 Tenaga Tracer Puskesmas, serta 2 orang Dinas Kesehatan Prov. Kalsel kiranya dapat menguatkan peran dari tenaga surveillance Rumah Sakit dan Puskesmas di Kota Banjarmasin serta penguatan tupoksi tenaga manager dan tenaga tracer puskesmas di kota Banjarmasin. Contact Tracer atau Penelusur Kontak ini merupakan salah satu istilah yang kerap disebut di tengah penyebaran virus corona di beberapa negara yang terus meningkat.

Pemerintah di berbagai negara termasuk di Indonesia, salah satunya kota Banjarmasin dimana Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banjarmasin sebagai wadah pusat mereka bekerja yang di danai oleh APBN dibawah Kementrian Kesehatan RI guna mengendalikan laju penyebaran virus yang mulai diidentifikasi, kemudian banyak pula orang dipantau dan dievaluasi saat diketahui pernah berkontak dengan pasien positif covid-19.

Sudah berlangsung 2 bulan contact tracer ini terus melakukan tracking dan investigasi yang ditempatkan diberbagai fasilitas kesehatan dibawah Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banjarmasin dan Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi.

dikutip dari contact tracing sendiri pada Journal Management Healthcare mengatakan bahwa contact tracing (also known as partner notification) is a primary means of controlling infectious diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). However, little work has been done to determine the optimal level of investment in contact tracing. In this paper, we present a methodology for evaluating the appropriate level of investment in contact tracing. We develop and apply a simulation model of contact tracing and the spread of an infectious disease among a network of individuals in order to evaluate the cost and effectiveness of different levels of contact tracing. We show that contact tracing is likely to have diminishing returns to scale in investment: incremental investments in contact tracing yield diminishing reductions in disease prevalence. In conjunction with a cost-effectiveness threshold, we then determine the optimal amount that should be invested in contact tracing. We first assume that the only incremental disease control is contact tracing. We then extend the analysis to consider the optimal allocation of a budget between contact tracing and screening for exogenous infection, and between contact tracing and screening for endogenous infection. We discuss how a simulation model of this type, appropriately tailored, could be used as a policy tool for determining the appropriate level of investment in contact tracing for a specific disease in a specific population. We present an example application to contact tracing for chlamydia control.

Karena itulah pentingnya melakukan penelusuran kontak dan mengendalikan pergerakan orang yang telah terkonfimasi positif yang akan berpotensi menularkan guna memutus mata rantai dan penemuan kasus yang bergejala atau kontak erat yang juga dikategorikan kontak erat tinggi dan rendah, keduanya sama-sama harus diberi tahu soal penyebaran virus corona lantas yang segera harus dikarantina mandiri jika terlebih mereka ada gejala.

The gathering with the surveillance staff at the Hospital, Puskesmas, Data Manager, and Puskesmas Tracer Workers in Banjarmasin was opened directly by the Head. P2P dr. H. Bandiyah Ma'rifah accompanied by Kasie. M. Rasyidin Surveillance and Immunization. SKM. MM with regard to the coordination and evaluation of the implementation of surveillance on the handling of covid 19 and synchronization of data validation for Covid 19 Puskesmas, Hospitals, and in Regional Health Office Banjarmasin and Provincial Health Office of  South Kalimantan which was held at Roditha Hotel Banjarmasin was attended by 72 people and 34 Puskesmas Tracer Workers, as well as 2 people from the Provincial Health Office. South Kalimantan can strengthen the role of surveillance personnel at hospitals and health centers in the city of Banjarmasin as well as strengthen the main duties and functions of managers and tracer personnel at puskesmas in Banjarmasin. Contact Tracer or Contact Tracer is one of the terms that is often mentioned in the midst of the increasing spread of the corona virus in several countries.

Governments in various countries including in Indonesia, one of which is the city of Banjarmasin where Regional Health Office Banjarmasin as their central vessel is funded by the State Budget under the Indonesian Ministry of Health to control the rate of spread of the virus which has begun to be identified, then many people are monitored and evaluated when it is known that they have had contact with a patient who was positive for covid-19.

It has been 2 months that this contact tracer has continued to carry out tracking and investigations that are placed in various health facilities under Regional Health Office Banjarmasin and Provincial Health Office of South Kalimantan.

quoted from contact tracing itself on Journal Management Healthcare mengatakan bahwa contact tracing (also known as partner notification) is a primary means of controlling infectious diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). However, little work has been done to determine the optimal level of investment in contact tracing. In this paper, we present a methodology for evaluating the appropriate level of investment in contact tracing. We develop and apply a simulation model of contact tracing and the spread of an infectious disease among a network of individuals in order to evaluate the cost and effectiveness of different levels of contact tracing. We show that contact tracing is likely to have diminishing returns to scale in investment: incremental investments in contact tracing yield diminishing reductions in disease prevalence. In conjunction with a cost-effectiveness threshold, we then determine the optimal amount that should be invested in contact tracing. We first assume that the only incremental disease control is contact tracing. We then extend the analysis to consider the optimal allocation of a budget between contact tracing and screening for exogenous infection, and between contact tracing and screening for endogenous infection. We discuss how a simulation model of this type, appropriately tailored, could be used as a policy tool for determining the appropriate level of investment in contact tracing for a specific disease in a specific population. We present an example application to contact tracing for chlamydia control.

That is why it is important to carry out contact tracing and control the movement of people who have been confirmed positive who will have the potential to transmit to break the chain and find symptomatic cases or close contact which is also categorized as high and low close contact, both of which must be informed about the spread of the corona virus. then those who immediately have to be self-quarantined if they have symptoms.

DBNews2020/ Enni Rizqa