DBNews (Banjarmasin) - Dana Aloksi Khusus (DAK) adalah dana yang bersumber dari pendapatan APBN yang dialokasikan kepada daerah terte...
"jika tidak adanya sinkronisasi maka akan menjadi faktor penghambat dalam capaian anggaran tahun 2021" jelas Dr. Machli Riyadi, S.H., M.H.
diharapkan dengan kegiatan evaluasi ini dapat lebih memantapkan dalam pelaksanaan dan realisasi Dana DAK tahun 2021
Special Allocation Funds (DAK) are funds sourced from APBN revenues allocated to certain regions with the aim of helping finance special activities that are regional affairs and in accordance with national priorities. To equalize perceptions in the implementation of DAK Funds both at the Dinas and at the Puskesmas and other UPTs. Friday (27/11/20) The Banjarmasin City Health Office held an Evaluation of the Non-Physical DAK Fund for the 2020 fiscal year. This activity was opened directly by the Head of the Banjarmasin City Health Office and attended by all structural officials as well as heads of puskesmas and UPT within the Health Office Banjarmasin City.according to Dr. Machli Riyadi, S.H., M.H. the importance of synchronizing and equating perceptions to encourage later budget realization. "If there is no synchronization, it will become an inhibiting factor in the achievement of the 2021 budget," explained Dr. Machli Riyadi, S.H., M.H. It is hoped that this evaluation activity can further strengthen the implementation of the 2021 DAK Fund