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Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD

Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD


                            picture source : Banjarmasin - The importances of fulfil...

                            picture source :

Banjarmasin - The importances of fulfilling nutritional status information based on individuals may be able fulfilled by online application that we knows as e-PPGBM, an online application system for community-based nutrition recording and reporting. Health Office of Regional Banjarmasin has just held the last workshop of e-PPGBM application by October 25th 2019 attended by representative of nutritionist from PUSKESMAS office in Banjarmasin.

This application is provided by and also Google Play on Android based phone for mobile needs of every officer in Banjarmasin.

As we realize that some effort to improve nutrition, especially children's nutrition in Banjarmasin city to be effective and sustainable multi-sectoral are very needed.
According to Ariaty as interviewees of Health Office of Regional Banjarmasin, based on basic health research that SEI. MESA district is occupied the first posistion of malnutrition, S. PARMAN district is occupied number two, Ariaty can conclude that stunting case is occupied on 21,63% , underweigth on 15,16% and wasting on 7,7% per August 30th 2019.

"The use of e-PPGBM aims to make it easier for nutrition implementers and policy makers in the region to observe nutritional problems in their area and then make decisions about what actions they will take, both community and individually, " Ariaty explained.

According to we can see that : 

      "Malnutrition rates remain alarming: stunting is declining too slowly while wasting still impacts the lives of far too many young children

      Nearly half of all deaths in children under 5 are attributable to undernutrition; undernutrition puts children at greater risk of dying from common infections, increases the frequency and severity of such infections, and delays recovery."

Law Number (36) Year of 2009 about Health mention that improve the nutritional quality of individuals and communities, among others through improving food consumption patterns, improving nutritional awareness behavior, improving access and quality of nutrition and health services in accordance with scientific, information and technology knowledge.

Hopefully in future the role of related parties will be based on a dynamic partnership and synergism and good governance, so that health development will be effective and provide the maximum service to citizen in Banjarmasin, make benefits improving community health status and effective environtment, especially in Banjarmasin city, South Borneo, Indonesia.

Salam Sehat
Salam The Winners


DBnews2019 /Enni Rizqa Zulfiana