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Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD

Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD

Peringati HLUN, Lansia senam bersama

  DBNews (Banjarmasin) -  Memperingati Hari Lanjut Usia Nasional (HLUN) yang diperingati pada 29 Mei 2022 dengan tema Lansia Sehat Indonesi...


DBNews (Banjarmasin)Memperingati Hari Lanjut Usia Nasional (HLUN) yang diperingati pada 29 Mei 2022 dengan tema Lansia Sehat Indonesia Kuat ,diselenggarakan kegiatan skrining kesehatan dan senam bagi lansia di Kota Banjarmasin.

Kegiatan ini bertempat di halaman Kantor Kecamatan Banjarmasin Timur dan turut hadir Ketua TP PKK Dr.dr. Hj. Siti Wasilah, M.Si. Med, Wakil Ketua TP PKK Hj. Hardiyanti  S.AP dan Ketua Bidang I TP PKK Rusdiati.

Peringatan hari lansia setiap tahun ini merupakan bentuk apresiasi atas peran penting para lanjut usia Indonesia serta salah wujud perhatian akan kesehatan mental dan fisik lansia sehingga dapat terus terjaga meskipun akan semakin terbatasnya kemampuan dalam beraktivitas.

Melalui kegiatan ini, diharapkan Lansia di Kota Banjarmasin dapat memiliki kualitas hidup yang sehat, mandiri, produktif, berguna dan sejahtera.

Commemorating the National Elderly Day (HLUN) which is commemorated on May 29, 2022 with the theme Of Healthy Elderly Strong Indonesia, health screening and gymnastics activities were held for the elderly in Banjarmasin City.

This activity took place in the courtyard of the East Banjarmasin District Office and was also attended by the Head of TP PKK Dr.dr. Hj. Siti Wasilah, M.Si. Med, Deputy Chairman of TP PKK Hj. Hardiyanti S.AP and Head of Field I TP PKK Rusdiati.

The commemoration of elderly day every year is a form of appreciation for the important role of Indonesian elderly and a form of attention to the mental and physical health of the elderly so that they can continue to be maintained even though there will be increasingly limited ability in activities.

Through this activity, it is hoped that the elderly in Banjarmasin City can have a healthy, independent, productive, useful and prosperous quality of life.