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Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD

Wujudkan Banjarmasin Bebas DBD

Hasil RDT Reaktif, Ratusan Warga Jalani Tes SWAB

DBNews (Banjarmasin) -  Tim gugus tugas penanganan covid-19 kota Banjarmasin bersama tim gugus tugas penanganan covid-19 provinsi Kalim...

DBNews (Banjarmasin) -  Tim gugus tugas penanganan covid-19 kota Banjarmasin bersama tim gugus tugas penanganan covid-19 provinsi Kalimantan Selatan serta tim kesehatan Polda Kalsel melakukan pengambilan sample tes swab pada Minggu (17/05/20) di halaman kantor dinas kesehatan kota Banjarmasin dan laboratorium kesehatan kota Banjarmasin.

The Banjarmasin City Co-19 taskforce handling team together with the South Kalimantan Province Covid-19 task force team and the South Kalimantan Police Health Team took swab test samples on Sunday (05/17/20) in the Banjarmasin City Health Office and the City Health Laboratory. Banjarmasin.

Pemeriksaan ini dilakukan sebagai tindak lanjut dari hasil Rapid Test yang dilakukan sebelumnya pada 6 titik pasar di kota Banjarmasin dengan hasil reaktif. Kurang lebih sebanyak 170 orang yang dinyatakan reaktif dari pelaksanaan kegiatan Rapid Test massal di 6 titik pasar serta cluster pasar Antasari.

This examination was carried out as a follow-up from the results of the Rapid Test conducted previously at 6 market points in the city of Banjarmasin with reactive results. Approximately 170 people were declared reactive from carrying out mass Rapid Test activities in 6 market points and the Antasari market cluster.
"129 yang reaktif pada 6 titik pasar dan 47 orang dari pasar sentra Antasari" jelas Kadinkes kota Banjarmasin sekaligus juru bicara tim gugus tugas covid-19 kota banjarmasin
"129 are reactive at 6 market points and 47 people from the Antasari Central Market" explained the Banjarmasin city health office as well as the spokesperson for the covid-19 task force team in banjarmasin

Semua orang yang telah diambil sample tes swab nya diminta untuk mengisolasi diri dirumah atau bersedia ditempatkan di rumah karantina yang telah disediakan pemerintah kota dan tidak keluar rumah serta membatasi s kontak dengan orang lain sambil menunggu hasil swab yang akan dikirim ke laboratorium provinsi di Banjarbaru. Hal ini  dilakukan agar memutus penyebaran covid-19 jika nanti hasil swab dinyatakan positif.

All people who have taken swab test samples are asked to isolate themselves at home or are willing to be placed in quarantine homes provided by the city government and not to leave the house and to limit contact with others while waiting for the results of the swabs to be sent to the provincial laboratory in Banjarbaru. This was done so as to cut off the spread of covid-19 if later the swab was declared positive.