(DB-News) Senin, 27/03/2023- Dinas Kesehatan menyelenggarakan kegiatan Pertemuan Kesehatan Keluarga. Kegiatan ini mengutamakan pada prog...
(DB-News) Senin, 27/03/2023- Dinas Kesehatan menyelenggarakan kegiatan Pertemuan Kesehatan Keluarga. Kegiatan ini mengutamakan pada program ibu dan bayi serta kesehatan lansia.
Jumlah lansia dengan usia 60 th terus bertambah setiap tahun. berdasarkan hal ini , perlu perhatian khusus untuk membentuk lansia selalu sehat dan lebih berdaya.
Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menekan angka kematian ibu dan bayi serta mewujudkan lansia SMART(Sehat, Mandiri, Aktif dan Produktif) sesuai program dari pemerintah.
The Health Office organizes Family Health Meetings. This activity prioritizes mother and baby programs and elderly health.
The number of elderly people with the age of 60 years continues to grow every year. Based on this, special attention is needed to form the elderly always healthy and more empowered.
The activity which took place at the Banjarmasin Health Office Hall was opened by the Head of Kesmas, Rusmadi SKM M.A and was attended by program holders from all puskesmas, toddler cadres and elderly cadres as well as representatives from urban villages in Banjarmasin.
This activity aims to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates and realize SMART (Healthy, Independent, Active and Productive) elderly according to government programs.